Sunday 23 March 2014

The Happy Mail Project

The Happy Mail Project is a run by blogger Merissa Cherie.  People who follow the blog can send in hand written letter using paper and envelopes which they have hand made and personally designed.  When Merissa receives the letter, she returns a reply on paper which she has created or picked from a paper shop.

I especially like the one she has picked to send back to Anna Fatovich in Greece.  I think you can tell so much about the nature of a letter according to its packaging and typeface used to state the address. Anna seems like young girl who possibly loves the colour orange and find solace in butterflies.  

I think the idea behind this 'mailing service' as such, is wonderful.  It almost works like a pen pal service, one of the most personal forms of communication to someone who you probably have never met.  Each card is a unique design, never to be replicated and meant for one person only.  I think there is something beautiful in that.  Are hand written letters still considered as an important form of communication?  I think so.  There's no better feeling than ripping open a letter to find what lies inside.

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