Sunday 23 March 2014

The Handwritten Letter Project

The HAND.WRITTEN.LETTER.PROJECT was after a conversation about how personal a letter can be:
a fact that is currently drowning in a tide of depersonalisation, with junk mail and automated correspondence.
There is always something nice about receiving a letter, especially these days when email, text, status updates, and tweets, dominate our communication, leaving many to lose sight of the things that have been around for a while (like
ink and paper). However, it is important that they do not.'

This is probably one of the most inspiring artists I have discovered.  Leading influences and designers around the world have written to Craig in order to have their voice published in a book.  Is this form of communication feasible?  I can only imagine how many letters Craig would've had to open and how many paper cuts he acquired along the way.  Surely some of the letters must have a been misplaced, or got lost in the mail; Something which wouldn't happen if send via digital email.

The books itself is very inspiring as it visually shows how art and design has been evolving in this modern world.  Also it includes many ideas of individuals aspiring to make the world an even better and brighter place.  Since some of the responses were received in 2007, it is interesting to see if dreams have become reality and if not, why not?  Our culture and the way we live is continuously evolving, even as I am typing this.  

Why did he turn the letter he received into a book and not an online blog?  I suppose that would probably defeat the purpose of the project, but it would be interesting to see the responses nonetheless.  In all I think the project is a success as looking through it there are a lot of very interesting ideas accompanied with some of the best handwriting I have ever seen.  You can tell a lot about a person from the way they dot the 'i's and cross the 't's.

'Let's make a dent in the Universe' - How inspiring! but can you dent it enough to cause change?

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