Saturday 15 March 2014

Garbage Beauty

Vincent Box and Romain Boz are co-founders of the street art group, 'Garbage Beauty'.

“Living in a big city, walking through the streets, we’re surrounded by advertisements, posters, shop signs, but we’re so used to seeing it that it doesn’t call out to us,” says Box. “But when you see something on garbage, it’ll capture the attention of 95 per cent of people because that’s like a final frontier, the last place you would expect to see something written.” 

It is true in what they day that people do not often notice something which is normal, they are more likely to notice something which is 'abnormal' or stands out.  Below is one of my favourite pieces of their collection.  The comment that 'you look good when you smile' could relate to anyone as they look into the mirror and see themselves.  However, since it's written in calligraphy, it seems a lot more personal than impersonal.  It is also quite a good way of making people smile subconsciously, indirectly spreading joy to people through art.  That is the kind of design which inspires me to inspire the world. 

“There’s a human element to our work. It’s like calligraphy — it’s not perfect, like type on a computer screen,” he reveals. “There are sometimes spelling errors that we’ll make, or the joke isn’t that great, or it doesn’t really fit on the object, but that reflects life. It’s human.” 

I was attracted to this Street art group as they make use of materials which are essentially rubbish and turn them into something of interest and beauty.  They believe that something being imperfect is more beautiful than something unnaturally perfect.  The problem with many adverts or posters either online or in the street is that they have next to nothing when it comes to personality.  For example, when someone writes something on Facebook, the typeface used is exactly the same as everyone else's.  No mistakes and over curled 'C's as all mistakes can be edited or removed.  There is a sense of security in all the post looking the same, however I prefer street art as it is daring and beautifully different.  This kind of free hand work reflects our 'human' nature as everyone's hand writing is interesting and different.  No two pieces of work produced by Garbage Beauty are the same as all their work is painted first hand, not printed.  Although this may be time consuming, the overall outcome is far better than if each quote were to be digitally reproduced on stickers.  

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