Wednesday 19 March 2014

Durex Earth Hour


Durex campaign promoting Earth Hour.

I feel that this campaign is very thought provoking as the interruption of technology is becoming an increasingly terrible problem for our generation.  It has been proven that 6% of the population would check social media sites even during sex.  What does this say about our human relationships and current social interactions with each other?  Sexual relations are very personal and intimate, but figures like this prove that they will become alien in no time.  Does the art of real conversation/intimacy still exist?  It is hard to know with so many online dating sites being promoted through social media, people have more reason than ever to be glued to it.  I feel that Durex are the right company to promote such a hard hitting problem that we all face.

By using sites such as YouTube to promote the campaign, Durex is able to target all ages and gain widespread awareness.  They have cleverly included a generational key by hash-tagging the campaign at the end of the video, making it easy to find online.  If you hashtag something online, it is sure to spread like wildfire within 2 hours of being uploaded.  #TurnOffToTurnOn, the use of an oxymoron at it's best.  With this slogan, I think that more people than ever will be joining in on Earth Hour.  I know I will be.  Will you?

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