Thursday 6 March 2014

DDB and Superette

"DDB and Superette use 'Virgin Thighs' to make a real impression" 

- the line used my Erica Nardello to describe Superette's new advertising campaign.

As far as guerrilla marketing goes, Superette have certainly ticked all the boxes for being provocative, exciting and literally involving the consumer in the advertising of their sale.  It is obvious that they have thought about their target audience, young people who like to wear short shorts.  For women more than men, it is a common problem to sit down on a wicker chair in short shorts and end up leaving the chair with the imprint of it for a good hour.  It is interesting that the brand took something that makes women feel self conscious and turned it into something positive.  However, it could be argued that Superette are exploiting the insecurities of women to entice them into buying items from their sale.  

I like how Superette have managed to create a short, punchy ad with a long lasting impression, literally.  The typeface used is simple and bold, therefore easily readable by people who are walking behind them.  Since the women with the imprints are basically walking advertisements, Superette are able to spread the word about their sale a lot more efficiently than if it were to be on posters around a city.  It is a well known advertising fact that sex appeal sells, so it could be argued that the company took this into consideration when planning where to place the imprinting plates.  Why didn't they choose the arm rests of the benches?  It is clear that this ad campaign was very carefully and cleverly planned for it's target audience. 

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