Sunday 9 March 2014

Me & My Pen

Me&MyPen is Daren Newman.

A typographer, illustrator & designer.

'Bio: Male, smaller than average, good/bad SOH, beard wearing,
right-handed, Rotring loving Mancunian.' 

What I love about this typeface is how it has been elegantly joined together by the first and last letters of each word.  I have deep respect for handwritten typography as it is very technical and time consuming.  The typeface itself its quite bold yet I feel the elegantly placed curls of the letters make it endearing and personal.  This would work in any colour against a white background, although black and white sticks particularly well with the handwritten feel to this piece.  

I could image this on a card, or beauty product or even on the cover of a book.  The strong, clear lettering means that this typeface could be very versatile and used for many purposes.  Darren works in a clear, linear style which reflects in many of his typographical designs.  Personally I feel that three dimensional type can sometimes be a bit of an effort to read/decode so for something as simple as 'All about you', the linear style works wonderfully.  This kind of design is completely different than something you would find on a webpage or a social media website.  It may be considered as 'too fussy' and not clean cut enough for be easily accessible.  I have realised that within my own research, online media sites tend to keep their typeface simple and clear so as people can look at it for a long time without much effort or strain.  I have noticed that the contrasts between hand drawn and digital typeface are enormous.  Therefore, the personal feel to this work has inspired me to create my own experiments and include hand drawn designs like this in my final project.

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