Wednesday 26 March 2014

Danielle Evans

I absolutely love these pieces create by Danielle Evans.  She create 3D typography using foods which represent the words she is producing.  'This is my Jam' was created out real raspberry jam and sprinkles as part of a project by the name of Food Type.  This piece almost reminds me of something I would do as child, messing around with the jam on a saturday afternoon waiting for my cupcakes to cool so that I can decorate them.  I feel like her project is to evoke memories and good feelings when viewed.  Does it make me feel happy?  Yes, it brings back many fond childhood memories and also makes me slightly hungry.  Her aim is to create as many words as possible using food products.   - 

I especially love this piece as I can only imagine how time consuming it must have been.  It is remarkable how she managed to push each crumble of the cookie in an exact location in order to create a crisp and easily readable quote.  I like how she included the half eaten biscuit at the bottom of the image as if to make it obvious what the words were made from - otherwise it may have been hard to know it was biscuits that she used, thus destroying the point.  It may have created an interesting contrast if she had used different types of biscuits, for example digestives and bourbons as the two contrast greatly in colour.

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