Tuesday 18 February 2014

UNICEF Tap Project.

As part of the research for my final project, I recently came across the Unicef Tap Project.  For every minute you can stay away from your phone, UNICEF's 'Next Generation' will donate on your behalf.  I think this is a very clever campaign for sponsorship and awareness.  Staying away from your phone may seem easy but when you actually take part, you realise how difficult it is.  This shows how much people are addicted to looking at their phones and keeping up to date with their virtual worlds.  

The website produces images of children getting clean water for every minute that you last and also includes facts of how your abstinence from picking up your phone will benefit the UNICEF cause.  The use of real photographic images combined with hard hitting facts creates the basis of a great campaign.  Maybe this will encourage people to look around them and see what else is happening in the REAL world.  The use of blue and white to create the colour scheme creates a sense of hope and life, with blue also symbolising clean water.  At the end of the abstinence period, UNICEF also give you the option to donate, meaning that your own personal part in the Tap Project becomes significant.  If people are willing to donate by the end, it means that UNICEF have created a successful awareness and sponsorship campaign. 

I feel that UNICEF have cleverly and successfully promoted awareness on phone addiction and how it can be curbed by doing something to benefit their charity.

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