Thursday 6 February 2014

Lauren Earl

Lauren Earl - The Flathates Handbook

Review by:

'Flatmate’s Handbook, created by Wellington Designer Lauren Earl has right of place in our themed “Book Design” week. The hard cover book uses a combination of hand drawn illustrations, mono photographic imagery anchic typography.' 

'Currently, information on the topic of flatting provides very limited answers or guidance to better prepare first time flatters, or to help overcoming situations which may arise in this environment. The ‘Flathates Handbook’ provides a detailed, yet creative and captive, option to fill this gap of information. Through discussions with experienced flatters, the book has been developed to share real life situations and scenarios making the content more relatable to its readers. It uses humour and unpredictability to ensure one is more prepared for flatting and to enhance their overall flatting experience.'

Personally I love this handbook by Lauren Earl because of the beautifully handwritten typography mixed with quirky polaroid photographs.  The simple, handwritten typography works because it suits the subject matter; being a good flatmate is quite a personal affair.  The bright yellow/green contrasts well with the black and white giving the impression of simplicity and modernity.  It is clear that she has done her research in this area as the colours are youthful and attractive to the eye.  Her target audience was probably students, as they are usually first time flatmates.  I feel that she has been successful in the design of this handbook, both in creating an inciting cover and also humorous inside content.  As a first time flatmate, the title 'Flathates' would entice me into picking up the handbook in the first place, as I have plenty of 'flathates' myself.  The comical illustrations on the cover are reminiscent of a students' qualms whilst house sharing; thus again targeting her audience successfully.  Lauren has been able to make such a boring topic, such as 'being a flatmate', into something fun and interesting by using her simple line drawings to compliment the personal typography which is streamed throughout the handbook.

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