Thursday 6 February 2014

Nathan Pyle

Nathan Pyle is a New York based illustrator who has created a series of GIFs which he posted online.  He then got the opportunity to make them into a short illustrated book.

I like his illustrations because they are fun, quirky and most of all comically blunt.  The straightforward  black and white colouring combines wonderfully with simple concept behind this book.  I think this GIF is so interesting because it doesn't have too much detail packed into it.  The images are quite simple yet I find they work well with the short, punchy sentences that are given to each frame.  I find it quite comical that in the last frame Pyle thought it was essential to include a 'Wood' sign even though it was quite obvious that there was wood everywhere.  However, some may argue that this type of design could be quite offensive as it intimates that people who dine in these kind of places are 'dim' or 'dull'.  I like the layout of this GIF as the flashing images appear one after the other in the way that you would process them.  This indicates that Pyle has considered the logical thought process when creating this simple yet effective design. I also think the frame layout works well as it could read as a 'graphic novel' or a moving image series of frames, depending on the form you see it in (on a computer or in paperback book). 

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