Thursday 6 February 2014

Lex Wilson

Lex Wilson - Moleskin Typography

I like how Lex hasn't been restricted by one side of the page and has spread across both pages with ease.  The quote, 'release the house!', is quite ironic as it comes from a small black dog.  As a result, the dog almost seems as though it has human qualities and thoughts.  This reminds me of something which a Hunt Master would say during a fox hunt.  The typography is chunky and all in lower case which I think works well as it comes from an animal which does not speak human words, in the real world.  I'm unsure of the shadowing in this typography as the recent trend is to produce everything in flat design.  I find the text quite hard to read and found myself having to focus on it for it to become legible. However, this could have been Lex's intention all along, to catch the eye of the viewer and make them really look at his work.  I'm not sure if there is any particular message behind this piece other than it is strange that a dog wants to 'release the hounds', unless he is begging for some sort of freedom.  In that case it could be linked to some form of social/political art about freedom policies; or it could just be a strange, little talking dog.

Review by

"While we found the doodles in the Moleskine notebooks of famous creatives to be fascinating, Cambridge-based British artist Lex Wilson has definitely up the ante on Moleskine art with his hand-drawn typographic illustrations."

"Using the pages of the legendary notebook as his canvas, Wilson creates cleverly expressive typography."

"We think that the artist should consider turning these gorgeous pieces of typographic art into prints and posters."

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